I write.
The truth. Fiction. And the fine line that connects them.
Sometimes with a pen. Sometimes with a keyboard. And sometimes only with my brain.
You can find me all over the place:
- Twitter: @toschwrites and @ellietosch
- Instagram: @toschwrites and @ellietosch
- FB: ToschWrites
- Email: H@ToschWrites.com
- Phone: (815) 683-6484
If you’re here, thank you. You are one of the reasons I write. Trying to capture the beauty that is you, the imperfections that make you perfect, the way only you interact with the world around you, your humanity, your essence, and everything you have to teach…it’s one of my favorite things.
Writing is a lot like photography. It’s an experiment in light and dark and the interplay between the two. It’s contrasts. And the depth and breadth of color. It’s the nuance of what we focus on and what we choose to blur into the background. It’s everything that’s wonderful about life. And everything that can make it unbearable at times. And like the art of photography, the art of writing has rules that help guide the composition of a commercially appealing piece, yet it allows, even begs, freedom to tell those rules to f*** the right off to create a piece that says more and makes people feel more than anything that’s technically perfect will ever do.
There’s a writer, a poet, an artist, a photographer, an inventor, a creator in all of us. My hope is that my words may somehow inspire others to write their own down. We need your voice. Please don’t keep it hidden because you fear it’s not what we want to read or hear or see.
If you need a cheerleader, a coach, a friend, or a reader, hit me me up. I’d love to help amplify your voice.